Sunday–The King Comes Home – Mark 11:1-11

Our Lenten Series kicks off today with a deep dive into the days of Holy Week.  As we get close to Easter, we start to see articles and news pieces exploring the identity of Jesus — who is this guy who changed the world?  Today, as the crowds line the road to...

Deut 30 – A God Within Reach

When you’re on the run, you can sometimes feel like you’ve run right off the edge of the earth.  Nobody sees you; nobody knows you, or cares.  But when we run from God, we find that he is never so far away that we can’t come back.  In fact he invites...

Deut 28 – Blessings and Curses

Some people describe themselves as cursed.  They have wandered very far from God, and they feel as if they’re in spiritual exile with no way back.  It is true that when we follow God’s law we are more likely to find blessing than not.  But it’a also...

Deut 24 – See The Poor

The 8th commandment tells us not to steal.  Many of us think we’re pretty good at keeping that one, but when we look at Moses’ expanded version of this command, we find that it also touches on issues of economic justice.  Do we promote the welfare of the...

Deut 22 – 7th Commandment Extended Edition

Is the Bible for women, or against women?  The modern narrative tends towards the latter answer, namely that the Bible is oppressive.  At first glance it might appear that today’s passage confirms those suspicions, but when we dig a little deeper, we find that...