We Go!

To Speak & Serve in the Name of Christ


The church has a strong track record of outreach:  we have assisted with a VBS in West Virginia.  We have served on hurricane relief trips.  We have traveled as far as Romania to help teach English in a Christian camp setting.  We support missionaries near and wide.  Come and learn how to be involved in our latest outreach projects.

Outreach Has Many Faces

Ada Food Pantry

We work in cooperation with other churches in town to house and run the Ada Food Pantry.  Our church volunteers in May and December to staff the pantry and work with those who come in for assistance.

The pantry is open on Tuesdays from 4-6 p.m. and Saturdays 10-12 a.m. and provides an emergency supply of food for those in need.  Contact the church for more information on volunteering, donating, or using the pantry.

For the latest updates, check out the pantry Facebook page.

Yorktown Apartments

We hold occasional worship services and meals in the community room of Yorktown Apartments here in Ada throughout the year.

Through this ministry, God has helped us be the church outside of our 4 walls and enriched us with new friendships.

We are grateful to have welcomed at least one friend from Yorktown into the church as a new member.